GUEST SPEAKER - MARK INGLIS - Sat 2nd November - Tickets $25


The Commodore and Management Committee extend a cordial invitation to all members to participate in the Bar and Restaurant facilities available in the Club Pavilion.

The downstairs “Breakwater Bar”, is open from 4pm Thursdays, Fridays, Saturdays, Sundays (except for Good Friday, Christmas Day and Boxing Day). The upstairs Restaurant/Lounge Bar opens on these same days at 5.30pm. Any variation to these hours for special events will be notified to members through the by our weekly Wot’s On email.

Please feel free to bring along family and friends, ensuring however, to record their presence in the visitors book. This is a requirement of our liquor licence.  A member can only sign in 4 guests at a time and a guest can only be signed in a maximum of five times, at which stage he or she would need to apply to become a member in their own right.

The standard of dress in the upstairs lounge/restaurant is for reasonable and tidy attire, with bare feet and singlets not allowed. The dress code is more relaxed in the downstairs bar and you are welcome to come as you are (but no muddy footwear or gumboots).

Snack meals and main meals are available with smaller portions offered for children. At times throughout the year special buffets are available, these will be advertised through the Club’s weekly Wot’s On email and quarterly magazine ‘Breakwater’ and sometimes in the local newspaper. On Club nights there are always meals available for members, even if the upstairs lounge is hired out for a special event, in which case the variety of meals available may be limited but dining is available downstairs. Where possible the Wot’s On and Club Calendar will advise members of the dates the lounge is hired out.

The upstairs area is available for hire for your special occasion such as Weddings, Anniversaries etc. You will need to arrange a booking through the Club Office. To assist you with planning your event the Club Caterers would be pleased to advise on menu suggestions.

Children – are welcome of course, we are a family Club, but children must be kept under control at all times and are not allowed to jump all over the furniture. There is a television/play area for them in the upstairs lounge bar.


  1. Persons under the age of 18 will not be served alcohol. Intoxicated persons will not be served alcohol.

  2. The Bar Manager or Bar person has the right to refuse to serve any person at any time, whether they are member or visitor.

  3. Parents shall ensure that their children are kept under reasonable control at all times. The Bar Manager, Bar person or Committee person has the right to request a member or guest and/or their children to modify their behaviour or to leave the premises. If the Bar Manager or Bar person feels that their behaviour or control over their children is not up to standard or is interfering with the comfort of other members or guests in the bar at the time, then the Bar person is able to ask them to leave the Club immediately.

  4. It is illegal to buy alcohol for anyone under 18 unless you are their parent or legal guardian.

  5. No liquor is to be brought into the Club or purchased for removal.

  6. A reasonable standard of dress including footwear is required at all times, this means no bare tops or bare feet, or singlets in the upstairs lounge.

  7. Offensive language or behaviour by members or their guests will not be tolerated.

  8. The Bar Manager, Duty Officer and/or Committee Members shall decide what is appropriate behaviour and dress.

  9. Visitors must be signed in as per Club rules. Members are responsible for their guests behavior and must not leave the Club without their guests.

  10. Membership cards must be produced on demand for perusal by the Doorman,  Bar Manager or an Officer of the Club. From time to time door checks are held and you will be asked to show your membership card prior to entry.

  11. When leaving the lounge, members are required to clear glasses, bottles and plates from their tables and return same to bar or kitchen. Some of our bar staff are volunteers and we ask you to assist them whenever possible.

  12. Lost property may be recovered from the Bar Manager or Custodian.

  13. No cheques exceeding $50.00 shall be cashed at the Bar. The Club through the bar staff reserves the right to refuse to accept cheques.


  • Our policy is to serve members and guests in a friendly and responsible manner.

  • We strive to serve alcohol responsibly

  • Staff are required to insist on identification from anyone they suspect is a minor.
    Suitable identification will be a photo drivers licence or HANZ 18+ card.
    Minors will be offered soft drinks, or tea/coffee

  • Anyone who is visibly intoxicated will not be served alcohol, in fact intoxicated people should be asked to leave. If necessary Staff may speak to their friends and ask them for assistance to remove that person.

  • A range of food will be available at all times. From nuts and chips through to full a-la-carte or buffet menu.

  • Tea, and Coffee and water is available at all times – no charge.

  • We support the designated driver policy. A telephone is available to arrange alternative transport.  It is important to avoid the risks of drinking and driving.

  • Alternative non alcoholic drinks are always available.


Senior members are issued with one proximity card, family memberships may have two on request. Try to keep your card in your vehicle, to avoid leaving it at home. Preferably in your glovebox or sunvisor, away from cellphones and other equipment which could effect it. If you do forget your card and require to be let in a charge of $10.00 may apply.

A LOST card requiring replacement will cost you $15.00. There is a camera positioned at the gates. The video records 24 hours a day. Please do not block off the entry way if you have a problem getting in.

Park your vehicle out of the way and walk in to get assistance. Do not press the button at the gate outside the Custodian’s normal working hours (namely 8am – 4.30pm – Thursdays through to Mondays -inclusive) Be considerate at all times.

Community members are not allowed to park in the club grounds, except during the winter months of June, July and August when their membership card will let them access the car park area through the Club gates.  Please do not tail-gate members through the club gates.


  1. Trailer boats (including trailer yachts) shall not be prepared for launching or towing away by a vehicle in the immediate vicinity of the ramp, or washing down pad, or in such a position as will impede traffic or the use of the ramp by other members.

  2. Boat owners shall keep the areas clean and free of debris, and shall restore the area to a neat and tidy condition after launching or use of facilities.

  3. Dinghies shall be stored on the rack allocated to them and oars shall be removed or secured. An annual dinghy storage fee will be charged. The appropriate dinghy sticker must be displayed on the dinghy itself.

  4. Dinghy trolleys are to be returned to the dinghy rack area after use

  5. After launching move away from the ramp at an idle speed – 5 knots until 200 metres from the shore or 200m from the moored boat area.

  6. There is to be no washdown of boats after 10pm and washdown time is limited to 5 minutes.

  7. Members shall park their cars and trailers where directed by the Custodian or other designated person, and at all times with consideration for other members.

  8. All vehicles parking in the Club’s parking area shall display current annual membership stickers.

  9. All trailer craft using the Club’s ramps shall display the current membership sticker. The only exceptions shall be visiting craft who are participating in special Club events or have special exemption from the Management Committee.

  10. All vehicles and craft left parked on Club premises will be left there at the owner’s risk and no responsibility will be taken by the Club.

  11. The Club’s tractor is not available for the launching or retrieval of trailer craft except in an emergency and at the discretion of the Custodian or the most senior Club Officer present.

  12. Parking cars and trailers overnight:  Fully paid up members may leave their car and trailer overnight for a maximum period of three nights at a cost of $5.00 per night. Cars only, also $5 per night. Fees payable to the Custodian or Club Secretary.

  13. Hardstand Trailer boat parking:   For the period from 1st May to the weekend prior to Labour Weekend there will be limited trailer boat parking offered to fully paid up members at a fee of $5.00 per night.  Because of the limited spaces available this will be on a first come first served basis and will be advertised in the Club newsletter.  Outside of these dates, parking of trailer boats overnight is prohibited unless by express arrangement with the Management Committee.   Certain conditions will apply and they will be incorporated in an agreement to be signed by the member.

  14. All Club equipment used by members shall be cleaned and returned undamaged to the place allocated for storage.

  15. There is to be no overnight tying up of vessels to any of the floating pontoons. They are strictly for loading and unloading.

  16. Commercial and non-members craft will NOT be permitted to use the Clubs facilities and equipment unless in an emergency, but even then ONLY with the approval of the Custodian or the most Senior Club Officer present. In such cases of emergency, the Custodian will be authorised to use the tractor and other equipment if he deems necessary. Fees may be charged for such services.

  17. A grid for urgent maintenance (not cleaning of hull) adjacent to the western launching ramp, inside the breakwater is available to members between tides on any one day.  If any member needs to stay on the grid or tie up inside the breakwater due to their vessel requiring emergency maintenance then that member must apply to the Custodian or the Club Secretary for express permission to do so.  Every effort must be made by the member to repair the vessel without delay so that the vessel is able to vacate the breakwater area as soon as possible.  The first 24 hours is free of charge – after that there will be a fee payable of $30 per day with a maximum stay of seven calendar days per member per financial year. Fees payable to the Custodian or Club Secretary.


(a) in front of the boat/tractor sheds
(b) in front of the Custodian’s garage
(c) in front of entrance to dinghy lockers


A Fishing Competition for the heaviest snapper, kingfish, kawahai and some others is conducted over the period 1st June to 31 May the following year. Fish are to be weighed and recorded by the Custodian or Fishing Committee member. A list of Committee phone numbers will be found by the weigh in station if the Custodian is not present. This competition is only for Club members. The Fishing Honours Board is located in the downstairs bar.


Maraetai Sailing Club Inc operates within Maraetai Beach Boating Club. To affiliate to the Sailing Club there is an extra annual fee payable.  There is a Junior Sailing programme which is run by Club volunteers, and Yachting NZ qualified coaches. The Club has ample support boats and Club Optimists are available for hire for those children who do not have their own boat. The Sailing Club also offers senior dinghy sailing on Tuesday nights during summer and at other pre-arranged times, as well as windsurfing and paddleboarding. Check out the Maraetai Sailing Club website here


When a vessel is in distress and requires assistance from other vessels or from the shore, the following shall be the signals used or displayed by her, either together or separately, namely:

  1. A continuous sounding with any fog-signal fired at intervals of about a minute.

  2. Rocket or shells, throwing red stars fired one at a time at short intervals.

  3. A signal made by radio or by any other signalling method consisting of the group in the Morse Code.

  4. A signal sent by VHF consisting of spoken word “Mayday”

  5. The international Code flag signal of distress indicated by flags N.C.

  6. A signal consisting of a square flag having above or below it a ball or anything resembling a ball.

  7. A rocket parachute flare or hand flare showing a red light.

Remember – Marine Law requires that a skipper, without endangering his own craft, shall go to the aid of others in danger or distress.

Phone Coastguard 303 1303


You’re in charge – that’s the bottom line, Make that quite clear before starting on any boating journey.
Let everyone know what safety equipment is carried, where it is kept and how it works.
Be sure that each person on board has a tested buoyancy aid.

Check your craft is not overloaded.
Make sure you have enough fuel for the duration of your journey, remembering your engine will use more fuel in rough conditions. It is always a good idea to carry a 5 litre reserve can.

Before setting out, check the weather and tides. If in doubt – don’t go out!!
Have you studied a chart of the waters you intend to cruise. Are you familiar with the dangers, such as rocks, shallows or submerged obstructions.

Keep your alcohol until after your trip
If an incident occurs, it is your responsibility to report it to the Maritime Safety Authority

Tell someone where you plan to go and when you plan to return. It is a good idea to put in a trip report with Coastguard.


  • Do remember that children will mimic your behaviour – for better or worse

  • Don’t go out alone in your boat with children. There should be at least one adult for every two children on board (with a minimum of two adults)

  • Do teach the children the pleasures and dangers of boating

  • Don’t leave the children alone in the cockpit during rough conditions

  • Do work out an emergency plan before you leave shore.

  • Don’t allow children in a boat with someone of limited experience

  • Do travel at a safe and comfortable speed, ensuring children are sitting down to avoid being thrown off balance.

  • Don’t drink alcohol while boating

  • Do remember that young children are not always aware of danger. Your vigilance is crucial

  • Do use a child safety harness and life jacket.

  • Do take particular care in planning your voyage.

  • Don’t go beyond your level of experience.


These operate on a line of sight principle, offering groups protection by allowing many boats in the area to listen to calls. Coverage of VHF can vary considerable. VHF radios offer several advantages over cellphones:

  • better coverage and fewer shadow areas

  • collective boat safety, allowing other boats to monitor conversations

  • batteries are heavy-duty and longer lasting

  • no need to remember phone numbers.

  • All operators of VHF radio stations must hold an operator’s qualification. Contact Coastguard Boating Education for details on how to obtain a VHF qualification and call sign.


  • Listen before transmitting

  • Do not transmit unnecessarily or allow children to pay with the radio

  • Always use your call sign and the name of your boat for identification

  • Avoid interfering with other stations

  • Commence your call on Channel 16

  • For non-distress messages, stay on channel 16 or as directed by the Coastguard or local marine radio station

  • Keep your message brief and clear

  • Stop transmitting when requested to do so by a coast station

  • Always return to Channel 16 when you have completed a call

  • There are 11 Maritime Radio Service Stations in continuous operation on Channel 16 in the North Island.


  • Boat to be named on both sides, clearly readable from 30 feet

  • “ M.B.B.C ” on stern – stickers available from Club at $2 each

  • Life Jackets – one for each person on board

  • Torch

  • Flares:
    Distress Flare (2) Daytime smoke signals (2)
    or: 2’ x 2’ square of air-sea orange material with corner ties

  • Anchor warp and chain

  • First aid kit

  • Fire extinguisher

  • Navigation lights if boat to be used at night

  • One bucket and/or bailer or pump

  • Oars & rowlocks (2) or paddles (2) or: auxiliary motor

  • One sharp knife

  • Tools

  • Secure battery

  • Secure fuel tanks

  • Bow rope

  • Means of Communication – preferably two types


  • Spare propellor

  • Compass

  • Freshwater

  • Warm clothing

  • Spare anchor warp and chain

  • Marine Radio

  • Extra fuel

  • Matches

  • Charts

  • Horn or whistle

  • Boat hook

  • Food

  • Copy of book “Safety In Small Craft”

Note: Sailing boats must comply with current Yachting New Zealand Safety Regulations

EMERGENCIES: Auckland Coastguard Phone 303 1303


Whether you are relatively new to boating or have already logged a good number of sea miles, there is always room for improving your boating knowledge.

Safety at sea is largely a matter of knowledge, and Coastguard Boating Education Service offers several excellent courses such as Day Skipper, Boatmaster, VHF Radio Operator and others.

For further information on these courses and their availability, phone 0800 40 80 90.

We encourage all MBBC members to become members of Auckland Volunteer Coastguard.


In your own interest it is strongly recommended that you display a notice on both port and starboard windows of your vessel with your name, address and contact phone numbers. It is also advisable to have an anchor warp secured on deck in case your boat breaks adrift. This could be very helpful in an emergency.


Our Committees, both the Social Committee and the Fishing & PowerBoat Committee are always on the lookout for new members.
The Club is always keen to train up for more volunteer bar staff.
If you are interested in helping out, please contact the Club Secretary.