Robbie Williams Tribute - Valentine's Day Friday 14th February 8.30pm - Click on link below to book tickets

We are a vital part of the community in and around Maraetai Beach. Our members enjoy our facilities from launching their boat to having dinner in our club rooms. If you do not have a boat you can still become a member and enjoy the social side of the club with our Community Membership.


Full: A Senior member and partner plus any of their children under 18 years.

What you get for your membership:
Gate/Membership Card: Full members get issued with an active proximity card which enables them to gain vehicle access through the electronic gates for launching and retrieving of their boats 24 hours a day.
Parking: Parking of vehicles and trailers is available in the club grounds and overnight parking for up to three consecutive nights is available at a small charge of $10 per night.
Boat motor wash down: Freshwater wash down facilities for the boat/motor is available free to members.
Showers, toilets, and rubbish bins are also available for all members.
Bar and Restaurant facilities: available to all members
Big Screen TVs to keep up with the big games shown live in the downstairs bar
Jackpot Draw and meat raffles held on Thursdays in the downstairs bar
Security: Our Custodian lives on site and is on duty from Thursday through to Monday each week. He monitors our security cameras and keeps a good eye on all activity happening at the club.

All members are able to invite their guests and extended family members to join them in the Clubrooms providing they are signed in the visitors book.  Each member can sign in 4 people each but visitors can only be signed in 5 times per year.


Community Membership: An adult and partner plus any of their children under 18 years. The Community members are entitled to use the bar and restaurant facilities. Community members get a proximity card which is also the membership card but is thereby unable to use the carpark or boat ramp facilities, but he/she does get to join in all the social activities and enjoy our gorgeous clubrooms.

Senior Community Membership: An Adult and partner over 65 years of age. The Senior Citizen Community members are entitled to use the bar and restaurant facilities. Senior Citizen Community members get a proximity card which is also the membership card but is thereby unable to use the carpark or boat ramp facilities, but he/she does get to join in all the social activities and enjoy our gorgeous clubrooms.

What you get for your membership:
Gate/Membership Card: Community Family and Community Senior members get issued with an active proximity card which is their membership card but does not enable them to gain vehicle access to park in the club grounds.
Showers, toilets, and rubbish bins are available for all members.
Bar and Restaurant facilities: available to all members
Big Screen TVs to keep up with the big games screened live in the downstairs bar
Jackpot Draw and meat raffles held Thursday nights in the downstairs bar

All members are able to invite their guests and extended family members to join them in the Clubrooms providing they are signed in the visitors book.  Each member can sign in 4 people each but visitors can only be signed in 5 times per year.

Your application will need to be proposed and seconded by two existing club members. If you do not know any existing members we can provide you with a list of Management Committee contacts whereby you can arrange to meet with one of the committee to sign it for you. You will also need to supply us with a photograph of yourself along with the application form and payment. Once we have received this, your name and photo goes on to the Noticeboard for two weeks prior to our monthly Management Meeting when all new applications go before the Committee. After the Committee Meeting you will be advised of the outcome and issued with your vehicle/boat/trailer stickers, plus membership swipe card etc.